Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tech Support is populated by Jackballs

So tonight I tried to reach tech support for a hard drive data recovery software.

By the end of the call I realized that I was simply waiting around until Charles, the techie, read the manual and then insisted I do what's in there - regardless of the fact that I was telling him that it wasn't working according to the manual.

Here is the unedited tech support session:

Welcome Jack! Your request has been directed to the Support department. Please wait for our operator to answer your call...

Call accepted by operator Charles. Currently in room: Charles, Jack

Jack: Hey Charles...real quick question here...

Charles: Hi Jack, Welcome to XXXX XXXXXXX Live Chat Support

Jack: I'm using your NTFS Data Recovery software.... I've scanned my driver and saved the file Tree.

Now, I want it to save EVERY file that is available there are a lot of folders down the left hand folder tree and when I go to SAVE ALL it only saves the first folder. How do I get it to go through ALL of them?

Charles: Could you please provide your order id?


(A solid 2 mintues goes by with no response.)

Jack: Are you still there?

Charles: Yes. Kindly hold for a moment and would get back to you shortly.

Jack: ty

(Another 2 mintues goes by with no response.)

Charles: Thank you for being on hold.

Jack: np

Charles: Could you please tell the size the data that you would like to save.

Jack: According to the software: 26.728 GB in 19578 Files in 6698 Folders

Charles: Could you please tell me to which location are you looking to save the data?

Jack: I have a separate HD that has 607GB free

Charles: You have the save all option to save all the data at a time.

Jack: I think I mentioned that I did that - it doesn't actually save all of the folders.

Charles: Go to the tools menu and click save all option the save the data.

Jack: Again, I said that I already did that.

Charles: Go the root folder right-click on it and click save button.

Jack: Yeah - I've done that, too, Charles, but it's NOT WORKING

Charles: Could you please tell me what happened?

Jack: It saves the first folder and stops.

Charles: Please select the few folders and try to save it.

Jack: What are you talking about? It only lets you select one folder at a time.

Charles: I just want you to try that and see are you facing same issue.

Jack: I can only select one folder at a time.

Charles: I know you are looking to save all the data at one time, ok.

Jack: Yes, thank you for catching up with me, Charles.

Charles: Are you able to save the data one folder at a time?

Jack: Um, Chuck, Are you having this conversation with me? Let's try this... tell me if this sounds like it'll work, Charles. If I click on the # folder and then select all of the thumbnail folders in the Right Pane and THEN hit save all.... will that work?

Charles: Actually if you right click on # and click it on save it is supposed to save all the data.

Jack: Great... that's not working, you're repeating yourself, and I'm actually getting this to work on my own.

Charles: No its not that, that is how it is supposed to work and i am just figuring out ok, as of now. Please save the data one folder at a time and make sure you save all the data.

Jack: There are 6698 folders. I'm not going through them one at a time.

Charles: Are you able to save the data one folder at a time?

Jack: Yeah, I'm past that, now, Chuck. Doing it as I self-diagnosed is working, regardless of what the instructions that you're reading say (and by the way, I already read the help doc, so you're simply wasting my time while reading the same information I have).

Charles: So are you able to save from one folder?

Jack: Are you tech SUPPORT or just a Jackball? As you've done nothing to actually help me here, I'm done.

NOTE TO COMPANIES WHO HIRE TECH SUPPORT: Tech support should know more about the product than what's in the manual.

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