Saturday, February 6, 2010

Sister Sarah - F--kin' Jackball

While the White House is working to try and alleviate the pressure the country is under with all of the mismanagement from the prior administration, Queen B---h, Sarah Palin, is out there at the National Tea Party Convention whining about President Obama as if a) she actually has any plans of her own and b) she actually has a clue as to what it takes to govern.

"This is about the people it's a lot bigger than any charismatic guy with a teleprompter," she said, reading from a teleprompter. "Let us not get bogged down in the small squabbles. Let us get caught up in the big ideas."

WHAT THE F--K?!?!?? This from the woman who can't actually articulate a single plan in any detail?? Managing a household requires a higher level of specificity than anything I've ever heard her talk about. Managing a country would take even more.

Hey, Sarah, I have a big idea for you - SHUT THE F--K UP!!!!

Okay, now so I don't seem biased and a mouthpiece for the left, please let me say that I do have to give her credit where credit is due.

Sarah has done an amazing job parlaying a crap modeling career into a Governorship and then a huge payout as a paid TV personality without actually doing any real work in any of those capacities.

I gotta say I'd become a national laughing stock for a s--t ton of money, too, at this point. I'll be the first to admit it, I have no pride these days - I'll do what it takes to feed and house my kids, so, I kind of get her.


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