Thursday, January 14, 2010

At What Point Should One Lose One's Right to Free Speech?

I know what you're thinking: Who the f--k is this Jackball to question other people's right to free speech?

Let me clarify to you, dear readers, that neither the jackballs blog nor I personally condone, suggest, or represent that one's First Ammendment rights be revoked. That would be un-American, for one, and just poor sportsmanship, for another.

I'm talking about a higher power - at what point should the Universe, God, Karma, the Devil, the Fates, or the friggin' Force come over to you with a f--kin' mute stick and whack you over the head with it a few times.

By now, everyone is familiar with basics of the horrible tragedy in Haiti. We all have seen the pictures of the devastation, the homeless people hunkering down in the streets, the aftershock after aftershock after aftershock, the dead buried amidst the ruble of the small shanty towns. To see these images and not to be moved to want to do something is to be inhumane at best, un-human at worst.

And yet, there are those who can't learn to shut the f--k up.

Giant fat ass and white supremacist Rush Limbaugh actually tried to use this tragedy to suggest that President Obama was going to ride the coattails of a major world tragedy and the deaths of tens of thousands to try and gain favor in the black community.
This will play right into Obama's hands, humanitarian, compassionate. They'll use this to burnish their - shall we say - credibility with the black community - in the, the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country. It's made to order for them.
That motherf--ker.

And on donating money through links on the White House website, he offered this gem:
Would you trust that the money is going to go to Haiti? Would you trust that your name is going to end up on a mailing list for the Obama people to start asking you for campaign donations for him and other causes? Besides we've already donated to Haiti it's called the US income tax.

Then as if on cue (after any natural disaster) - instead of helping or spreading love, or encouraging his flock (of sheeple) to help, or to come up with some ridiculous reason why bad things happen to good people in order to give others hope - instead, televangelist Pat Robertson suffered what my third grade teacher might have called "diarrhea of the mouth" and managed to declare why bad things happen to non-Christian, non-700 Club watching people:
And they got together and swore a pact to the devil. They said, we will serve you if you‘ll get us free from the French. It‘s a true story. So the devil said, OK, it‘s a deal.  But ever since, they have been cursed by one thing after the other, desperately poor.

They need to have, and we need to pray for them, a great turning to God.

That island of Hispaniola is one island. It is cut down the middle on the one side is Haiti the other is the Dominican Republic. Dominican Republic is prosperous, healthy, full of resorts, etc. Haiti is in desperate poverty.

Wow. Thanks for clearing that up for us Pat. So the African-born slaves and their children shouldn't have risen up against their oppressive European (in this case, French) taskmasters and fought for their right to live freely on this earth? They shouldn't have had the same freedoms that you say you so fervently believe in.

You know, Pat, maybe if the people in New Orleans got together with the people of Haiti and they all made a pact with the Devil, he might shut you the f--k up. Ya think? S--t, I think I'll sign on for an eternity in hell for that one.

For those of you non-Jackballs who wish to actually do something to help your fellow man, you can use any of the following links below. Do what you can - even if it's only a buck or two. If the tables were turned, you'd want them to help you.

And if you don't think a little money will help, let me share the words of Frmr. President Clinton yesterday at the United Nations:
A lot of people out here in the United States and around the world want to help.  And the temptation is to send things that you imagine will be need. We do not have the logistical and organizational capacity right now to handle a lot of things. We‘ve got to save as many lives as possible and keep the people who are wounded as healthy as possible and give water to people where there‘s no more clean water and feed them.  That‘s what we need.

So, the most important thing individuals can do who care is to send cash, even if it‘s $1 or $2.
The following links are for donations that will go directly to help in Haiti:

Red Cross Haiti Relief and Development - or Text 90999 to Donate $10
Doctors Without Border
Oxfam America
Yéle Haiti - or Text 501501 to Donate $5

Don't be a Jackball - help today.

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